


A word of thanks to Rita,

A word of thanks to Rita,

For some years now, we have been planning to buy a house in Spain in order to settle down on one of the Spanish Costa's once we reach the retirement age.

Our trajectory is one like so many others, first we looked around on several real estate internet sites in Spain, visited the second-home fair, made a viewing trip, etc...

On the first viewing trip, we initially went with three different estate agents in order to find the "best" one.

We made an appointment with them for a second and more "targeted" viewing trip.

Beforehand, we independently looked up the location of the houses. During one of our trips, we happened to run into Rita. We recognised her from the second-home exhibition. We chatted and Rita said she was always at our service, if necessary.

More coincidence. The estate agent (from a large and popular estate agency) with whom we were supposed to visit the houses, cancelled all our appointments the next day due to family circumstances. An alternative was not provided.

So we called on the help of Rita who visited all the houses we were going to visit with the other agent and made instant appointments for us. Moreover, she showed us some quality houses that met our standards.

Finally, together with Rita, we proceeded to buy our dream home in the beautiful, quiet and cosy development of El Raso.

Coincidence has thrown us into the arms of a super motivated honest woman.

Nothing is too much for her, one phone call and she is there to advise and assist us.

What makes her so unique is that she actively listens to the customer's wishes and selects properties accordingly. Unlike other estate agents, she is not pushy at all.

Rita highly values customer satisfaction whereas we got the impression from other estate agents that they wanted to make money as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, a year has gone by and our realtor Rita has become a friend.

Thanks Rita

M & C, West Flanders 

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