Info sessions Velotel Bruges Friday 28/3 -19h and Saterday 29/3 10h and 14h- 19u Sunday 30/3 at 10h and 14h Mail or call us!
Ritamar Properties

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Do you want to sell your house? We can help you

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Satisfied customers after a long search!

Dear Rita,

We came into contact with Ritamar Projects through friends.  From the very beginning, we had a good contact with Rita. She listens attentively to our needs.  She also guided us in finding a lawyer, notary, insurance broker and also gave us good and practical tips for furnishing our house.  Our wishes were fulfilled and so we found our dream home.

Thank you for your support.

Martine and Stefaan 

Correct and fine guidance to our dream home!

After searching the internet regularly, and finding little to guide us in the large number of properties on offer, we ended up attending several info sessions.

During the info session with Ritamar Properties it soon became clear that we had to take our chances with Rita.

Honest and clear information made us decide to make an appointment in Spain.

The agendas were put together and a week in Spain was booked.

In the run-up to the visits, we were not overwhelmed with mails, proposals or phone calls. This way, we could prepare ourselves in all tranquillity and it only made our curiosity grow. We could not wait to get started!

Once in Spain, we started making visits from day one. There was no doubt about the 100% trustworthiness that we experienced, it quickly became clear that Rita knows the market well and could provide reliable building promoters.

During each visit, Rita listened to our pro's and con's and then tailored the...

We have found our house in Spain, thanks to Ritamar Properties!

Our search for a house in Spain started about 3 years ago. After a long search on the internet, we found some properties in the Catral area that appealed to us. We made an appointment with the estate agent and my husband left on a 3-day reconnaissance trip. After the first day, our enthusiasm was already much less. The estate agent had forgotten to mention that most houses in Catral are not licensed. It was one of the sellers who asked if the agent had informed us about the situation in Catral. He would tell us afterwards, he said. The trust was gone.

After this unpleasant experience, we did not lose heart and continued our search on the internet. We found people from Oostkamp who rented out a holiday home in El Chaparral Torrevieja. We rented that house with the intention of exploring the region and looking for houses that we had seen for sale on the internet or not.

We visited many houses but without result every time. It was not easy to communicate our wishes...

Satisfied customers after a long search!

Buying a second stay abroad is not a simple job that will bring you to a successful conclusion in an instant. Most of the time you have already surfed a dothead on the internet, you have already wandered off a number of stock exchanges where you are either accused by intrusive sellers, or radically ignored by other buyers who feel their elbows that you are not an interesting "victim".

If you then take the plane - a bit of good luck - to some sunny destination, hoping that expert guidance by a few real estate agents will deliver you your dream house in no time, you may be faced with less pleasant surprises.

Some brokers have only just met you or they are asking when you could sign, others are putting pressure on you to get rid of a contract, without worrying much about your budget, your preference of location, the sunny side or shadow side, for a large or small project ... If anything is drawn, the rest is incidental or simply unimportant (for them). Cowboys can be...

Our experience !

A word of thanks to Rita,

For some years now, we have been planning to buy a house in Spain in order to settle down on one of the Spanish Costa's once we reach the retirement age.

Our trajectory is one like so many others, first we looked around on several real estate internet sites in Spain, visited the second-home fair, made a viewing trip, etc...

On the first viewing trip, we initially went with three different estate agents in order to find the "best" one.

We made an appointment with them for a second and more "targeted" viewing trip.

Beforehand, we independently looked up the location of the houses. During one of our trips, we happened to run into Rita. We recognised her from the second-home exhibition. We chatted and Rita said she was always at our service, if necessary.

More coincidence. The estate agent (from a large and popular estate agency) with whom we were supposed to visit the houses, cancelled all our appointments the...

A word of thanks to Rita,

Hello Rita, 

-It feels so good to be able to give credit to Rita of Ritamarproperties for finding our dream home after some serious disappointments with other real estate agents.

After eight years of searching we decided to give Spain another chance and went to the fair "Second Home Expo" in Antwerp in May 17.

We found out that, apart from a handshake, we did not really get a hearing from the bigger players because my vision and that of my husband were a bit different and the conclusion from previous years, after we had seen the umpteenth property that did not meet our wishes and therefore did not go along with the push stories after we had been in Spain, was that we would never find something in Spain. We belonged to the category of "not easy to turn around" and apart from a polite greeting, you didn't get a second look.

Fortunately for us, this attitude brought us into contact with other, albeit less well-known estate agents. One of...

Hello Rita,


If you want to buy the house of your dreams in Spain with confidence, RITAMAR PROPERTIES will help you find it.

RITAMAR PROPERTIES S.L is a company that started in 2016, with 10 years of experience in the real estate sector. In the portfolio we have, new homes, second-hand homes and property, land... from the bank.

You will always be well advised by our team of lawyers and consultants for your safety and peace of mind. This is one of the main priorities of our company!

REPORT about interesting sales requirements.

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Contact with us

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